Snowflakes are never out of fashion this time of year—unless you have two feet of white cold snow in your front yard. (Beats two feet of water any day.) The people at If/Then in Seattle got tired of seeing the same old faux snowflakes in Carta (Some are alike I guess) so offered up this OpenType assortment of Northwest Bold Flakes (my own name) for free at If/Then. I don't happen to know the good folks at If/Then, but I think it's a generous thing they have done. Afterall, snowflakes should be in the public domain.
For faux snow of another kind, take a look at this flake font below from Kapitza. These snowflakes are much lighter little dendrites—light like Utah fresh powder—and available for a price, because it's fresh powder.

I like the Spirographic quality of the Kapitza snow font.